Memory and transi­ence are Christian Boltanski’s (born 1944 in Paris) major themes. Like no other artist in the inter­na­tional context, he has worked for decades on the connec­tion between life and death—the disap­pearance of the indivi­dual and the desperate human endeavors against forget­ting and being forgotten. Death incre­a­singly appears at the center of Boltanski’s oeuvre, broaching in the process the theme of his own person and the time he still has to live. The large instal­la­tion he developed especially for the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg, along with the accom­panying pieces, goes to the heart of this subject, which is still a taboo in our society, granting it a quiet urgency and dignity. The exhibi­tion Moved is focused on an outsized instal­la­tion entitled Spirit(s) that incor­po­rates mecha­nical motion. In this piece, Boltanski precedes from his monumental instal­la­tions Personnes from 2010 in the Grand Palais in Paris and Chance in the French Pavilion at the 2011 Venice Biennale. The exhibi­tion Moved in the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg is the most extensive show of Christian Boltanski’s works in Northern Germany in 20 years.