Leandro Erlich


12. 10. 2024 — 13. 7. 2025


The world is turned upside down at the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg: The moon is on the Earth, a house hangs in the airy hall, and visitors seem to float in the weight­less­ness of a spaceship—the exhibi­tion by the Argen­ti­nean artist Leandro Erlich offers several “wow effects”! His specta­cular instal­la­tions are awe-inspiring and invite viewers on a stimu­la­ting journey to explore the fasci­na­ting relati­ons­hips between science, techno­logy, ecology, space travel, global warming, and migration.

For many years, Leandro Erlich has inspired visitors on various levels with his art. At first glance, many of his works appear specta­cular, irrita­ting, playful, and humorous. But a closer look reveals diverse references to today’s cultural, social, and therefore political manifes­ta­tions and challenges, such as the complex surroun­ding fake news, the (populist) distor­tion of truth and lies, global refugee movements, and, last but not least, the incre­a­singly signi­fi­cant power of images and their potential for manipu­la­tion. The exhibi­tion Leandro Erlich. Weight­less aims to create a multi­fa­ceted experi­en­tial space in which to explore these themes visually, offering an uncon­ven­tional and unusual perspec­tive on the pressing issues that charac­te­rize our world today. The large-scale instal­la­tions and artworks serve as an artis­ti­cally trans­formed repre­sen­ta­tion of the inter­de­pen­den­cies between the afore­men­tioned themes and stimulate a dialog about the challenges and oppor­tu­nities they present.

Leandro Erlich has exhibited in numerous important museums, especially in Asia and Latin America. In 2023, he was honored in Europe with a major retro­spec­tive at the Palazzo Reale in Milan. Leandro Erlich. Weight­less is the artist’s first solo exhibi­tion in Germany.

Andreas Beitin, Dino Steinhof

Curato­rial Assistant
Carla Wiggering

