Leandro Erlich


12. 10. 2024 — 13. 7. 2025


The world is topsy-turvy at the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg! The Moon has landed on the Earth, clouds condense into imagi­na­tive shapes in vitrines, a house hangs at airy heights, and visitors seem to float in the weight­less­ness of a spaceship—the exhibi­tion by the Argen­ti­nian artist Leandro Erlich offers many “wow!” effects for everyone. The specta­cular instal­la­tions, many of which were developed by the artist especially for the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg, will amaze visitors with their convin­cing illusions, while at the same time inviting them on a stimu­la­ting journey to explore the exciting relati­ons­hips between techno­logy, space travel, ecology, and migration.

For many years, Leandro Erlich has succeeded in fasci­na­ting visitors with his art on very different levels. At first glance, many of his impres­sive works appear surpri­sing, irrita­ting, and humorous. But a closer look also reveals many profound references to today’s socio-cultural and therefore political manifes­ta­tions and challenges, such as the whole complex surroun­ding fake news, the (populist) distor­tion of truth and lies, the global refugee movements, and not least of all the incre­a­singly signi­fi­cant power of images and the possi­bi­li­ties of their manipu­la­tion against the backdrop of advancing digita­liz­a­tion and the develo­p­ment of artifi­cial intelligence.

Leandro Erlich has exhibited in numerous important museums, The exhibi­tion Leandro Erlich. Weight­less in the vast exhibi­tion hall of the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg creates a versatile and easily acces­sible experi­en­tial space, in which the exami­na­tion of current social issues is explored in a playful way, offering—quite literally—an uncon­ven­tional and unusual perspec­tive on some of the pressing problems that charac­te­rize our world today.

The works of Leandro Erlich have been exhibited in many important museums, parti­cu­larly in Asia as well as Central and South America. Leandro Erlich. Weight­less is the artist’s first solo exhibi­tion in Germany, conceived in close colla­bo­ra­tion with him and his studio. The exhibi­tion will be accom­pa­nied by a bilingual magazine (German/English) featuring instal­la­tion views, an extensive interview with Leandro Erlich and texts by Andreas Beitin and Dino Steinhof. Available for 9,90 € in the museum shop or at kunstmuseum.de/shop.

Andreas Beitin, Dino Steinhof

Curato­rial Assistant
Carla Wiggering

